
Aus BrandWiki
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Short guidelines for being a hot part of the cool BrandWiki

  1. A wiki is a wiki is a wiki. So be bold, go ahead and add and change anything. Best case, you help the grand idea. Worst case, you give us something to think about.
  2. Be friendly and considerate while you do so. That makes 90% of the way.
  3. Stay critical. While the information here is double-checked and referencing to sources, truth and reality are no easy concepts. What looks like facts might not be facts. The opposite might also be true. News might have left out information. Try to find as many good and trustworthy information as possible, before you build yourself an opinion or judgement.

Ontology and naming conventions

At the moment, these topics are featured here:

A brand is neither the name of a product nor the name of an organisation, although the same name can by used by both. A brand convey's a company's values and differentiates products and services.

Example: Milky Way is the name of a brand with 2 products with this name (1 in USA, 1 in Europe), the organisation behind it is Mars.

An organisation is a broad term for a private or public company, institution or enterprise, holding other companies, brands or products, issuing certificates.

A certificate is broad term for an official/federal or private quality seal, quality label, quality mark, cachet.

Adding content to BrandWiki

You would like to participate? Big Japanese bow. Wonderful, welcome on board! There are several ways how you can take part here in the wiki:

  • Add new brands, new companies or new certificates in your country
  • Do deep research for a single brand and add your research findings
  • Add resources and source links
  • Suggest external data sources that can be integrated into the wiki. (We currently inspect the idea of including Wikidata's data).
  • Last but not least: Improve the language and correct spelling mistakes
  • Report bugs, send screenshots, help with the styling
  • Tell friends and enemies about BrandWiki, spread the word

Guidelines for adding a brand

It’s pretty straightforward to add a brand: Just fill out the form. (Where it’s not yet straightforward, please tell us and we will try to fix it.)

If you need some guidance or help with details, you can also check out the Links and resources.

Brand details

These are the profile details you can add for a brand:

Every brand gets assigned a numeral ID. This way, even if text gets changed, the access link always stays the same.
Every brand is related to one (or more) organisations. The official organisation name shall be put in here.
Short brand profile
Write it. While quoting sources is a good idea, the brand profile should be something attractive to read and unique. Catchy phrases in your own words. In case you are quoting or including claims or statements, make sure to mark them as quotes and link them to their source online. If you are quoting sources, you might want to add a new brand aspect underneath instead.
Please do not upload logos (it’s prevented for now, anyway) that you don’t own. All logos that are online in the wiki now are either taken from public press kits or supplied by the company itself – hence, we are allowed to publish them here. We are NOT drag&dropping logos from company websites, this is not good practice.
Every brand has it’s headquarter in one country, usually where also the company is located. There are more countries where the brand can be found or has been seen in stores up for sale.
Product images
In case you want to upload product and label images, please make sure you made the image yourself.
Brand aspects
You can add information as “aspects” to the brand, something you found on websites, in the news or somewhere else. The more sources you can find to one aspect, the better. It could also be personal experience, but also here sources are crucial.
We have included a number of official brand certificates in the wiki. This way, you shall get a quicker overview over the brands and their certificates.

Useful content elements for pages

These are useful templates:

  • Quote – for direct quotes with sources
  • Box – for page summaries, alerts and help boxes
  • BoxInfo – for simple info boxes

For administrators & wiki experts

Things you might want to know:

  • The top category for administering Brandwiki's ontology is Topic, where all forms are listed.
  • BrandWiki uses "patrolled edits" to coordinate patrolling edits in the recent changes overview.
  • BrandWiki also uses approved revisions for pages, only the latest approved revision gets displayed first. Revisions can be administered by admins on the special page.