UTZ Certified (UTZ)

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Über das Zertifikat

Sustainable agricultural production, mainly coffee.
Niederlande (Nederland) Aussteller: UTZ Certified (UTZ)
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Zertifizierte Marken/Unternehmen: Manner
Wenig vertrauenswürdig bzw. maximal geringfügiger oder kein Beitrag zu Nachhaltigkeit Greenpeace Gütezeichen-Guide
The standards are checked externally and independently, the indicator system is clearly defined.However:*There is no clear ban on rain forest clearance, exceptions are too unclearly defined. *Certification happens already before compliance to all criteria. *Some products have only 30 % certified product share (although most have about 90 %). *There also are no clear minimum wages defined. *There is a list of dangerous chemicals, but some dangerous pesticides are not forbidden.Greenpeace does not have high hopes for the upcoming merge with Rainforest Alliance.

UTZ is a foundation from Amsterdam, Netherlands, and aims to certify agricultural production, mainly coffee, but also tea, rooibos, hazelnuts and cacao. The certification is for sustainable agricultural production.

Since 2018, UTZ Certified is part of the Rainforest Alliance. It is planned that with 2019, UTZ will be fully part of Rainforest Alliance and the quality certificate will vanish.

UTZ is a certification program for sustainable farming of coffee, tea, cocoa and hazelnuts. The program is part of the Rainforest Alliance, an international non-profit organization working to create a better future for people and nature.
Quelle: utz.org

The certification has changed its name and logo from "UTZ Certified" to "UTZ" in 2016.
