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MOTHER ist eine Fashion-Marke aus (der/den) .
Mother, LLC ist das dahinter stehende Unternehmen.
MOTHER is a fashion brand for denim from Los Angeles, California.
Erhältlich in Austria, United States
Schlagwörter: Denim, Sportswear, Outerwear, Accessories
Markenfarben: #000
fun, indie spirit, lifestyle, boutique, freedom

Zertifikate: Keine verfügbar.

MOTHER Denim was founded in 2010 by Lela Becker and Tim Kaeding. Apart from the accessibility statement for the website and a small About us page, there is no further information around production details and values on their website.

"We stand for having fun, and not taking yourself too seriously." (source)

Offers denim, sportswear, outerwear, accessories.