ORTLIEB Sportartikel GmbH

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ORTLIEB Sportartikel GmbH ist ein -Unternehmen.       alle neu
ORTLIEB is a sports equipment company from Germany, producing "waterproof bags, backpags, travel luggage, and camera bags". ORTLIEB is leading manufacturer of waterproof outdoor equipment and global market leader for waterproof bicycle bags/panniers.
Sitz: Germany
Typ: company (private/public)
Zugehörige Personen: '
ortlieb.com Wikipedia
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Headquarters in Heilsbronn, Germany, Ortlieb is best known for its waterproof bags for bike riding. Founded in 1982 in Nuremberg and moved to Heilsbronn in 1997. CEOs are Hartmut Ortlieb and Jürgen Siegwarth.

The company in Germany has around 220 employees.