Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)
Aus Brandwiki
Über das Zertifikat
The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) was founded by Unilever and WWF in 1997, but has become independent 2 years later. Today, the headquarters of the NPO/registered charity for sustainable fishing has its headquarters in London. Funded by donorships and licence fees. | ||
Vereinigtes Königreich | Aussteller: Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) | |
Lebensmittel |
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Zertifizierte Marken/Unternehmen: Noch keine. |
Absolut nicht vertrauenswürdig bzw. kontraproduktiver Beitrag zur Nachhaltigkeit —Greenpeace Gütezeichen-Guide
There is no credible quality certificate for wild fish or aquaculture, because nowhere is the precautionary principle taken into account. The entire industrial sector is considered unsustainable (and therefore all quality marks in it are considered untrustworthy). MSC certifies wild fisheries.
There is no credible quality certificate for wild fish or aquaculture, because nowhere is the precautionary principle taken into account. The entire industrial sector is considered unsustainable (and therefore all quality marks in it are considered untrustworthy). MSC certifies wild fisheries.
Noch nicht bewertet—Siegelklarheit Zertifikat auf
"Wild. Certified. Sustainable."
Certification happens via an independent for-profit firm that then recommends the fishery for certification (or not). The cost of one certificate is between USD 20,000–100,000 plus around USD 75,000 for annual audits and a re-certification every 5 years.
MSC has long been criticised for its practices. One idea is that in a conflict of interests, MSC has relaxed its certificate standards, since it receives royalties from licensing its label.
Von GSSI anerkannt.
- Das Geschäft mit dem Fischsiegel – Die dunkle Seite des MSC (Video 44 min in German, "The business with the fish certificate – the dark side of MSC")