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Liste der Ergebnisse
- Forum for Sustainable Palm Oil (FONAP) + (Forum for Sustainable Palm Oil (FONAP))
- GEPA fair+ + (GEPA fair+)
- GGN Certified + (GGN Certified)
- GenussRegion Österreich + (GenussRegion Österreich)
- Gäa ökologischer Landbau + (Gäa ökologischer Landbau)
- ICADA Zertifikat + (ICADA Zertifikat)
- International Organic and Natural Cosmetics Corporation, BDIH Standard + (International Organic and Natural Cosmetics Corporation, BDIH Standard)
- International Sustainability and Carbon Certification + (International Sustainability and Carbon Certification)
- MSC (Marine Stewardship Council) + (MSC (Marine Stewardship Council))
- Naturland (Lebensmittel) + (Naturland (Lebensmittel))
- Naturland (Wildfisch) + (Naturland (Wildfisch))
- Naturland Fair (Lebensmittel) + (Naturland Fair (Lebensmittel))
- Pro Planet + (Pro Planet)
- Rainforest Alliance + (Rainforest Alliance)
- Responsible Down Standard + (Responsible Down Standard)
- Responsible Wool Standard + (Responsible Wool Standard)
- Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB) + (Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials)
- Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) + (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil)
- SGS Institut Fresenius + (SGS Institut Fresenius)
- Schneider’s BioGemüseland + (Schneider’s BioGemüseland)
- Sojarei Bio + (Sojarei Bio)
- Sojvita + (Sojvita)
- Sonnentor + (Sonnentor)
- True Friends of Natural and Organic Cosmetics (NATRUE) + (True Friends of Natural and Organic Cosmetics)
- UTZ Certified (UTZ) + (UTZ Certified)
- V-Label + (V-Label)
- World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) + (World Fair Trade Organization)
- agroVet Ei (HG) + (agroVet Ei (HG))
- biokreis + (biokreis)
- biokreis regional & fair + (biokreis regional & fair)
- certified vegan + (certified vegan)
- cruelty free and vegan + (cruelty free and vegan)
- fair for life + (fair for life)
- klimaneutral + (klimaneutral)
- myclimate – shape our future + (myclimate – shape our future)
- vegan + (vegan)